"Choplifter" is a 1982 action game developed by Dan Gorlin and published by Broderbund Software. It requires a 48K Apple II or ][+. Due to compatibility issues created by the copy protection, it will not run on later models.
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February 2, 2024 Subject:
Note about the Woz file
Note that the Woz file is the original uncracked version which does not boot on some Apple IIs, just like the original didn't. Use the 4am-cracked DSK image to actually play this game. The original copy protection used ROM whitelist checks which broke on later Apple II models. The 4am crack fixes this bug.
March 31, 2022 Subject:
Corrected image as of March 30th, 2022
This should now run fine in MAME, both locally and on the web.
July 31, 2019 Subject:
Not working with MAME 0.210
Even using Apple][ or Apple ][+ using Mame 0.210 does not run.
Working OK with Apple][+ with AppleWin 1.29